I choose Team Conan without reservation. Let's face it, he is hilarious and Jay Leno is as funny as a beige wall. I actually like Conan and Letterman equally, but the only people who like Leno are blue haired idiots!
My obligatory NObama comment. I am soooo happy that Scott Brown was elected to the US Senate in Mass. If a state as "blue" as Mass. can see the failures of this administration, then there is hope out there for the rest of the morons. This election all but kills Obama's Healthcare Reform and for that I am grateful. Gotta love the people of Massachusetts.
To Facebook or Not to Facebook??? That is the question......
Facebook misses you Brian. It's just not the same.
First of all, in what universe is Letterman as funny as Conan (to be fair, I am going off of experiences over a decade past).
Second, Oregon is awfully blue, but we would welcome you.
Third, no comment on Obama; it just isn't worth my time.
Last of all, facebook (notice I did not use uppercase) is a horrible vacuum of time for otherwise productive people. Check out Elder Bednar's address to BYU Idaho about the dangers of giving up our actual lives for artificial, web-based ones. It is the devil's sneaky way of taking away our bodies.
I love rain in Arizona. But the rain in Oregon does not smell good, there are no thunderstorms, but I guess it still sounds cool. It's nice to know someone is jealous of us for living in Oregon.
I wish all the people on facebook were blogging instead - then I wouldn't have to look at ads. I'm just bitter, I am not cool enough to get comments online.
So when are you moving? We need more republicans here!
My hair is not blue.
Brian! It's been so long. You have been missed!
My thoughts on Massachusetts is that they didn't go Republican but rather, began looking at individual candidates based on positions on issues, which is not a bad thing at all. I do agree that the healthcare legislation needs to be dumped.
Facebook. I am torn. I have been against it for years, but it is the only way to keep up with some friends who live far away. It has been cool catching up with people I wouldn't otherwise. And, I thoroughly enjoyed some of your comments (DID I SAY THAT?!) But, I agree that people are crazy addicted and it really is more of a social status for some (you know, those who are trying to get the most friends...) who has the time?
And, finally, Leno vs. Conan...I can no longer stay up late enough to have an opinion on this one...sad, I know.
Teresa!?!? Did I detect a compliment in there?? Haha...I'm shocked! Let me go check the weather channel to see what the temperature in Hell is! So, yes you are old but if you have a DVR then you can watch anything at anytime. Just sayin'. I agree with your opinion on Massachusetts. At least they woke up and spoke up against what is going on. That is a good thing. Thanks for the nice words. It is good to know that someone missed me. Hahaha...
Conan is far funnier than either Jay or Letterman, although I'd pick Letterman over Jay any day. Jay is just plain not funny or entertaining. Conan makes me laugh out loud.
If you love rain and I love rain, they WHY do we live here?
I agree with Becca. I wish people would blog more, then we wouldn't have to do facebook. You know my vote for facebook - a big fat NO.
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