Saturday, April 26, 2008

At least there's the D'Backs...

I hate to say it, and many who read this will not care, but the Suns SUCK!!! It makes me completely sick to see them get their backsides handed to them the way they are, especially by the Sterns. They have NO passion or pride. At least the D'Backs are showing some passion and pride. They have the best record in all of baseball. Sorry Jon, but this is the most embarrassing Suns team I've seen in a LONG time.

Also, just 5 short months until ASU Football takes the field. I'm buying season tickets if anyone wants to get them together, let me know in the next few weeks.

On a side note, it made me laugh out-loud when Brooke was safe and Carly went home on AI. I'm not upset by any stretch of the imagination, but it was surprising. I am not a Carly fan. All we need is for Syesha to go and then David Cook. Ha Ha Ha.....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I (We) Don't Get It...???

I would like to preface this by saying that, yes, he can sing, but I don't understand the "hype". For weeks now, there has been this buzz around David Cook and to be honest, I just don't get it. First of all, am I the only one (ok, Kim and I agree on most of this) who thinks that he is a complete fake? He even said it himself tonight, that he grew up doing theater. He is NOT a rocker! He is a drama queen, err, theatrical singer playing dress-up and pretending to be something he's not. Granted, when he sticks to the rock, he's pretty good, but I don't think that he's genuine. Not like David A. or Brooke. They are completely believeable. They are genuine.

From the get-go, I have thought, and still believe David Cook to be COMPLETELY arrogant and condescending. He thinks he's the best and knows it. Ever since Simon called him on it, he does this "awe shucks" act and holds his precious hands together and raises them to the crowd in "humble" thanks and appreciation. Phony!!!!

As Andrew Lloyd Webber stated, the eyes have it and when you look into David Cooks eyes, there is nothing there, especially tonight. He just seems empty and therefore unbelieveable. I think we all know when someone believes what they're singing and it comes through. That did not happen tonight. When Simon said that he did the best he could with what he had and the song he chose, that is not true. We both were waiting for him to take off and change the song into his own style (similar to what David A. did, which was awesome by the way) but he never did....until the LAST note, which was stupid because you can't walk through that song and sing it one way and then decide "Hey, I'm going to put my stamp on this thing and belt out a Rocker scream at the end." At that point, it was completely inappropriate. I'm surprised Simon didn't call him out on that one.

Ultimately, he will skate through to the next round, which he probably deserves, but as I said prior, I just don't get the whole David Cook hype. Don't even get me started on his huge heed. I wonder if he cries himself asleep on his huge pillow?

P.S. I feel so bad for Brooke. Although she did stumble badly, I don't think it was as bad as the judges felt it was. Oh Well.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

My Pictures

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Brian is coming home today! Woo Hoo! I'm so excited. Who knew that 5 days could seem like such a long time.