Saturday, April 12, 2008

My Pictures


Teresa said...

Great pics! I am so jealous. I only got to travel to Des Moines or Minneapolis for work! Thanks for sharing.

ducklips said...

Oh how fun, but why are you not in one single picture?

They are beautiful though. I really miss Europe. You, Marcy and Chris are all making me very jealous right now.

Brian said...

Kim said the same thing. I don't know why I am not. I was the one carrying around the camera. It never occurred to me to hand the control to someone else...

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! I am so jealous. Where's my chocolate?

Sheri said...

My computer wouldn't let me see much of your slide show. Lovin' the music, though.

Brian said...

You're the first I've heard...sorry, Sheri. Try again later I guess.

LauraB said...

I can't stand the suspense - why is Heathrow's Terminal 5 evil??

Brian said...

Patience, Laura, Patience...

Jon said...

I saw the picture of the alps but it was to far away for me to see you snowboarding on them

Brian said...

Jon, it was a 5 day business trip. I'll see of Kim can Photoshop me in the photo. How's that? It was fun though.

Charlotte said...

Did you hide the pictures of you with that girl you were going to meet there? Hey, are you guys coming Saturday??

Brian said...

No Charlotte, I didn't hide them, I just refused to post them...C'mon Charlotte, Kim is the only girl for me! Yes, we will be there and I look forward to the Crab..and I don't mean you!

Trina said...

Oh my gosh! Can I please live there! How gorgeous!! Did you see Jason Bourne? The chocolate is amazing! Thanks so much. I love it and you guys! What a thoughtful person both of you are. Thanks

prism said...

:-( I want to come next time.