Adam is graduating from high school today. I can't believe it. Time goes by way too fast. To me, he will always be that little boy with the active imagination, running around in the back yard chasing after bunny foo foo and goofy, his imaginary friends. He still has an active imagination, he is just putting it to better use (You better finish writing that book soon, so I can read it!). I am so proud of Adam. Congratulations!
His mom doesn't blog, so she asked me to post this message: For anyone who is interested (who knows Adam, or the Gonzales family), you are all invited to a graduation open house for Adam tonight at the James and Karen Lambson house from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. See You There!
I wish we could be there. Congratulations Adam! - U of A is a great school... some people think ASU is also great - don't believe them.
Yeah for Adam. It seems like yesterday he was throwing up in my car and telling me to shut up. ahhh, the memories.
U of A is not great. It is in Tucson so it can't. I am starting a petition to give Tucson back to Mexico.
Darrel, Sign me up! UofA is a stain that needs to be removed off this great state of ours.
here is another comment for Adam's graduation post to help Kim out
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