Thursday, May 29, 2008

All Hail the Banana King

If any of you remember, Charlie the Unicorn was my very first post. After a long wait, they now have a second installment. All I can say is I recomment you smoke your Peace Pipe before watching....


Jon said...

Thanks...that is 6 minutes and 1 second of my life that I will never get back and will have to answer to Heavenly Father at the judgement seat why I wasted that period of time while on earth.

Jon said...

But Logan sure loves this clip and the first one.

Becca said...

I'm sorry Brian, but it's against my religion to smoke a peace pipe.

Teresa said...

What the &*@%$ was that?!

Merilee said...

I can't bring myself to click on that play button, but I will tell my boys about it. Is it kid friendly enough?

Brian said...

I suppose so.

Jamie said...

Ditto Teresa.

LauraB said...
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LauraB said...

Oh, Merilee, I'm glad you said that. I've not been able to bring myself to hit the play button either!

Sheri said...

I hate those stupid things...oh, by the way there's a lay out of David Cook (your FAVORITE American Idol) in my People...I'll save it for the David Cook scrapbook I'm making you for Christmas...act surprised!

Brian said...

Sheri, I know that it is never polite to refuse a gift, but there some things that are more important than manners. I love you anyway.

Kim said...

I liked the first Charlie. This one however, did not live up to the first. It was too long and not funny enough.

Also, I'm sad that Adam's graduation post only got 4 comments while Charlie got 11 - what's wrong with the world?