Friday, December 7, 2007

2 things to say today


You know who you are! Just kidding. I was recalling the day in high school that we went to lunch. We dropped you off at subway and Stacy and I went to Arbys. (There is no way I'd go to Arby's now, but that is a different story). We went back to pick you up and you weren't there. We then saw you running across the field towards us, waving your arms, yelling "Nardo!". Good Times! I have lots of fond high school memories: Going to Leaning Tower for the awesome lunch deal, driving past the school with the windows down singing "The wheels on the bus go round and round..." Laughing at Stacy as we left pizza hut because a guy outside offered us Coke and she thought he meant Coca Cola. I know you guys were pretty muched forced to let me tag along, but I always had fun and you never made me feel like I was tagging along. Thanks! I hope you have a very happy birthday. You're awesome.

Second of all: Today is gorgeous. Have you been outside. As I used to say when Joseph was little: "This is a go to the park kind of day." It makes me happy.


Kim said...

Now that you mention it, that is true. At least she's a good sport.

Brian said...

Hence the nickname Spacey. Happy Birthday Paul. So what is it now? 40? 41? Hee Hee. Did I miss the "Over the Hill" party?

Go Devils!

Sheri said...

Your post about Paul made me smile. I wish I had some good memories of Paul (JUST JOKING!).

It is a gorgeous day. Why I am I in such a crappy mood?

Trina said...

I tag you! You can thank Kim!

Trina said...

I don't know what you are talking about Brian Horak, I spelled your name correctly.

dallin gonzales said...

I know, i went camping in Scowsen Park and it was awesome

Trina said...

Um Brian I tagged you!