Sunday, August 3, 2008

O Happy Day!

Ok, so yesterday was a pretty great day!  The best I've had in a long time.  I have been looking forward to August 2nd for a long time now.  

Brian went out at midnight and bought me my copy of Breaking Dawn.  I read until 3:30 in the morning, and even then I had to force myself to go to bed.  I read until 2:00 last night.  I am nearly done.  I'm sure I'll read it again as soon as I'm finished.

We also got our tickets for the So You Think You Can Dance tour.  They went on sale at 10:00 a.m.  Brian and my mom both got on line to buy tickets to see who could get the better seats.  We were communicating over the phone.  I was just happy to get them.  I went 2 years ago in Los Angeles when Benji won and it was FANTASTIC.  I skipped out on the tour last year and have been kicking myself ever since.   I'm excited to be going this year.  Brian and Joe are going to go too.  I can't wait to see the dances live.  
Lastly, we went to see Mamma Mia once again.  This was the third time for me.  I think it was most fun this time because we went with so many people.  Laura, Tricia, and Trina even brought their feather boa's and stood up and did some dancing.  It was fabulous.  I'm going to have to go out and buy one for me.  If you look closely in the picture, you'll see Brian in the back.  He was the only male in our sea of women.  I didn't even have to drag him.  He wanted to come.  Come to think of it, maybe that's WHY he wanted to come, so he could be the only male in a sea of women.  Hmm...  Anyway, it was a fabulously great day.  I'm kind of paying for it today though.   The lack of sleep is giving me a huge headache.  Thank goodness for Motrin.

P.S.  I can't believe I beat Sheri posting this (she pretty much had the same day I did).  I didn't beat Laura though.  You are too quick.

Happy Day everyone!


ducklips said...

What a fun day! Megan and I got tickets for SYTYCD too. I am so excited. I don't know where the seats are.

Tomorrow is our book club for The Host. I told Sheri about it. If you want to come that would be so fun. Let me know.

Teresa said...

You didn't join the dancing?

Sheri said...

We had so much fun! Now that I burned the c.d. I will learn the words so i can actually sing next time!

Becca said...

Yeah, Tim got me Breaking Dawn at midnight (BTW, Walmart didn't have any lines and we paid $13.68 - excellent). I finished it Saturday, now Tim's reading it! SYTYCD, how fun!

Kim said...

Brian went to Walmart at midnight for me too. There was no way I was going to wait 2 hours at one of those release parties.

Merilee said...

Your day sounds like my week. All the same fun things just spread out a bit. Loved Breaking Dawn. I think I'm going to start it again too.